Let the Breath in. Let it out and wait. Until it goes in again by itself. – Ilse Middendorf

Where: Kinetik Speicher, Schellerdamm 2a, 21079 Hamburg
When: Tue, April 9th, 6 – 8pm, 1 break. Please arrive a bit early so the group can start together.
Costs: Give what you want. € 5 would be greatly appreciated.
Being aware of our breath helps us to move, feel and communicate in an authentic way, all of which is helpful in everyday life as well as in a challenging rope scene.
Every breath is bodily movement and can be perceived as such. By becoming aware of our breath it will tell us what to do. Therefore we become our own teacher.
Our host Uli has working with his breath for more than 20 years as a professional actor. Find him as uli_ulysses on instagram and on fetlife.
No prerequisits needed, only the willingness to dedicate your attention to your breath and being aware of what it will demand from you.
Workshop will be held in German or English, whatever is preferred by the participants.
Hyggelig clothing is recommended.